Creating and Managing a Gallery

Log into WordPress and click on add / gallery images

This page opens

Type in the New Gallery name: ‘New Gallery’

And click ADD FILES

Multiple files can be selected by using CTRL and left click

Note files are numbered starting 01, the display order is based on file name.

Select ‘Open


The files upload and you are redirected to the MANAGE GALLERIES Page

Now go to ‘pages’.

Create a New Page title that page and add a New Block

Select NextGen Gallery


INSERT GALLERY – Publish the page and the job is done.

NOTE: Depending on theme, if you want a link to be displayed on your front page, you may need to:

N.B. Set featured image requires a separate upload to Media Library / Set NextGEN Featured image allows you to choose one of your uploaded images.

Set a featured image and write an excerpt and choose a Template.

NextGEN Gallery
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